Futile Attempt to Appease My Humiliation
Published Friday, May 05, 2006 by Moose | E-mail this post
Hello, my dears!
I just realized that I left the house in shoe-to-crown raspberry corduroy this morning. For those of who you are about to close your browsers in horror, allow me to reassure you that this was not intentional. Which may be worse, come to think of it. This is the problem with having a wardrobe that is no longer all black. I might put on red corduroy pants and then, 20 minutes later as I'm walking out the door, grab my red corduroy jacket because I've forgotten what I put on 20 minutes earlier. I look like I'm 8 years old and threw a fit because I wanted to wear ALL RED, ALL THE TIME!
P.S. The raspberry corduroys don't match.
In honor of such an embarrassing occasion, I offer you

I'm not really a Fendi girl, I'm sorry to say, but I'm definitely a red purse kind of girl. And that is one hell of a red purse.