Damn you, Neiman Marcus!
Published Thursday, May 04, 2006 by Moose | E-mail this post
The first time I walked into Neiman Marcus, I totally didn't get it. Why are these pants $500? Who in their right mind would pay $2,000 for a jacket? I have since mended the error of my ways. I still don't know anyone who would pay $2,000 for a jacket, but I now understand why they would. Yet I never thought I would ever actually BUY anything at Neiman Marcus. Prohibitive pricing for one in my income bracket, customers who look too tan to be human, clothes that would not look good with raspberry jam stains.
This makes me want to change my mind.

strapless dress from Neiman Marcus. It's beautiful. It's in my size. It's on sale for $100. My No Shopping credo stands, but this is seriously testing my will power.