Moose in the Closet

The Moose Recommends

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This year, I completely ignored Black Friday. Otherwise known as Shopping Hell to the uninitiated, or those unwilling to use elbows where elbows are so clearly warranted. Spending the weekend on a farm in Oregon helps/dictates this resolve. Instead, I would like to recommend some long weekend reading.

I just finished The Deception of the Emerald Ring, the latest novel from Lauren Willig. Start with The Secret History of the Pink Carnation, and you'll be sucked straight into the following installments, of which Deception is the third.

I should preface that statement by saying, You will be sucked straight in if you enjoy spy novels, historical fiction, regency romance, contemporary chick lit, or any combination thereof. And if you don't, what on earth are you doing here? I talk about lip gloss and shoes. Go read CNN.


Alter Ego



  • mooseinthekitchen(at)gmail(dot)com

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