Moose in the Closet

Faking It

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I like to be genuine whenever possible. Mainly because I'm a wretched actress. Tori Spelling looks like Meryl Streep next to the thespian efforts of yours truly. I would prefer not to fake fashion, especially as there would be no faking involved. If someone admires an outfit, I jump straight in to brag about the deal I got. Classy. So I won't fool anyone with my Target duds. But until I can beg, borrow or steal the real thing, fake it I will.

Here's my fake-it pick of the day:

Queen of the wrap dress, Diane von Furstenberg makes some beauties. This one goes for $365.

I checked the couch for spare change. I fell about 335 clams short. Luckily, it was just enough for this Isaac Mizrahi steal from Target. Excluding tax. I raided my car floor for that.

True fashionistas will not be fooled. But they'll admire your pluck in flaunting the Target designer wear. Everyone else, the rest of the world who could care less, will think you look great.


Alter Ego



  • mooseinthekitchen(at)gmail(dot)com

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