My Love Affair with Bluefly Continues
Published Saturday, April 01, 2006 by Moose | E-mail this post
In my imagination - the imagination where I make a lots of money blogging, global warming is a product of Hollywood, and my closet is even bigger than it already is (yes, THAT imagination) -
this is a perfect weekend shirt:

Pretty but comfortable. Lovely with jeans. Excellent for running out to the store and getting caught by the paparazzi who mistake me for Liv Tyler. On Planet Reality, this shirt would be saved for special occasions while I wore my ratty college t-shirt to the store. The store where no one will mistake me for Liv Tyler.
Don't need to waste any imaginings on the price, though - $26 is not too shabby for such a shirt find. One of you needs to buy this and report back. Don't fail me, internet.