Delicate Hooves Need Fluevogs
Published Thursday, January 12, 2006 by Moose | E-mail this post
Try as I might, words cannot describe my enduring love for
Fluevogs. This love has endured, oh, almost three weeks now. Ever since I pranced into a Fluevogs store on Haight Street and was forced to drag myself out again, minus the six pairs of hallelujah-inspiring footwear that I wanted. I pined, I wasted, I mourned. For three whole blocks until I found another store. But I remain true to the Fluevog and my devotion to shoes. Especially red ones.

If these don't say librarian with seriously naughty bookshelves, I don't know what would. I will be dressing up in my librarian best as soon as I manage to conjure up the 175 clams it would take to procure these legally. Until then, I
visit them and pet the computer screen.