Moose in the Closet

Soft Dresses

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Sometimes you just want to wear a dress that looks like a long t-shirt. Though perhaps the word "long" shouldn't be applied to the garment below. New favorite for such purpose: Susan Monaco. I posted one of her dresses last week and made the mistake of finding more. My love is now official.

Here's a crew neck dress that appears to be identical to this one. Except if it wasn't exactly the same, it probably wouldn't have a different name and web page. Online retailers, thou art confusing. I swear, they look the same to me.

Yum. Gather string halter dress. Now that looks cozy. As cozy as one can be in a halter that some punk could slip up behind you and untie.


Alter Ego



  • mooseinthekitchen(at)gmail(dot)com

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