Moose in the Closet

Knickers Blog

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I love lingerie. I love it with the fire of a thousand suns. I would write my underwear a sonnet, but I'm not much of a poet. I did write out a few haikus detailing my abiding love for my underwear drawer but I am charitably sparing you.

Several months ago, I discovered knickers blog. I have since had to avoid it like the proverbial plague, lest they tempt me away from H&M (some nice bras for $12, by the way) and the 75 percent off bin at Victoria's Secret and into the realm of real lingerie.

I have been drawn yet further into their evil world of cunning, tempting good taste. Starting today, I will be guest posting at knickers blog for two weeks. So go visit. Say hello. But if you have children who need shoes, do their chilly toes a favor and stay far away.

Alter Ego



  • mooseinthekitchen(at)gmail(dot)com

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