I am lusting after purses again. Logical questions like, Just how many purses does one person need? will be entirely ignored. This particular lust is one that will actually be slaked, once I can justify both the (entirely reasonable) price and a new purse. Two new purses. The only question is, which do I get first?
I suspect it will be this one:

Or maybe this one:

I sometimes hesitate to buy things off the internet - you never know what the quality will be. Expensive does not always equal well-made. Size 6 does not always mean size 6. (Or maybe that was just the cookies.) But I actually had both these purses in my greedy little paws today (at
Local Patron, a store on Valencia St. that supports San Francisco artists). The black and white clutch is a nice soft plush, and the silk on the bamboo purse is beautiful. The quality and detail are very nice. I would have walked out with both of them, had my credit card bills been less steep at that exact moment.
Luckily for all, they are available on the internets from
crafty bitch. I keep wanting to call it crazy bitch. But that's not right. Hopefully, she/he/it will forgive me for recommending "crazy bitch" once I hand over my credit card number.