Moose in the Closet


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Sorry the posts have been light recently. Apologizing for lack of posts is the height of lameness, but there are no heights to which I do not aspire. So there you go. I am contemplating the direction I want this site (and, to some extent, my life) to head. Apparently contemplation does not equal action. At least in the sense of saying anything and pushing the publish button. There will be an actual post today. (Besides this one.) Promise. There may even, don't get too excited now, a post tomorrow too. Wow.

Also, comments. I would love to have comments, but they ceased to work at some point a few months ago and, as my tech skills extend to turning the computer on and off and maybe shaking it, I was clueless about how to fix it. So I just turned them off. I am lazy. But please feel free to email me if you so desire. I like email.

I am hoping this site will have some aim and purpose in the coming months and I hope you all (all six of you - I see you!) stick around while I figure it out.

Alter Ego



  • mooseinthekitchen(at)gmail(dot)com

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